Having received her DNSEP from the school of the Art schools of Brest in 1988, Corinne VOMSCHEID has, for the past twenty years, expressed herself on her favorite subject: The Woman. Working on live model, she delivers her creative experimentation to us through several techniques such as oil, watercolor, pastel, charcoal, and sanguine.
Canvas after canvas, search after search for art rendering, one is still concerned by drawing exactitude, the respect of the human body, and the work of light. Between representation and abstraction, her work drives us to that limit where the eye of the spectator organizes painted surface to discover the curves of a body dissimulated in the broad geometrical patches of colors.
Eager to share her passion, she opened, in 1996, her own workshop, which now has a count of 80 pupils who are assiduously attending her courses.
Workshop - Gallery CIMAISE 41, rue de Tréguier 22300 Lannion - France
Tel. +33 (0)6 81 89 48 36